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Australia Day and alcohol

Happy Australia Day.

Australia and alcohol have always had a close relationship.  In fact for the first 25 Years of the new Australian Colony actual currency (notes and coins) was in short supply and Rum became a form of currency.  This allowed some influential people including the military, also known as the Rum Corps, and John Macarthur to become very rich by illegally distilling and supplying Rum.

When Governor Bligh took over control of the NSW Colony in 1806 he tried to crack down on this illegal trade and for this and other reasons pissed off these influential people.  This lead to the only military coup in Australian history when on Australia Day 1808 the military arrested Bligh and turned command over to themselves.  It was a bloodless coup, no shots were fired and everyone was effectively exonerated.  Pretty typical of an Australian piss up.

So on Australian Day maintain the tradition that has lasted for over 200 years and have a drink, preferably Australian Wine.

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